wa_tools library


A utility class for converting file sizes from bytes to human-readable format.
A utility class for parsing query strings into a Map.
Class representing a translatable string.


ConvertMap on Map
Extension methods for Map to provide utilities for map manipulation.
ConvertString on String
Extension methods for String to provide various utilities for string manipulation, encoding, decoding, and hashing.
MapTools on Map<K, V>
Provides utility methods for manipulating Map instances.
SafeString on String
Extension on String to provide additional security and sanitization methods.
StringValidator on String
Extension on String to provide additional validation and conversion methods.
TranslateString on String
Extension on String to provide translation functionality.
WaDirectory on Directory
WaFile on File


pathApp String
Retrieves the base directory path of the application.
no setter


endpointNorm(List<String> paths, {bool normSlashs = true, dynamic endWithSlash = true, dynamic startWithSlash = true}) String
joinPaths(List<String> paths) String
Joins a list of paths into a single normalized path string.
pathNorm(String path, {bool? normSlashs, dynamic endWithSlash = false}) String
Normalizes a given path by removing leading slashes and optionally converting backslashes to forward slashes.
pathsEqual(List<String> paths, {bool normSlashs = true, dynamic endWithSlash = true, dynamic startWithSlash = true}) bool
check the paths are equal or not
pathTo(String path) String
Normalizes and joins a given path with the application base directory path.