checkOne method
Checks a single route to see if it matches the given key.
The route
parameter is the WebRoute object to check, and the key
parameter is
the route path to match.
Returns a Future with a tuple containing:
: A boolean indicating whether a matching route was found.urlParams
: A map of URL parameters extracted from the route.
Future<({bool found, Map<String, Object?> urlParams})> checkOne(
WebRoute route,
final String key,
) async {
var urlParams = <String, Object?>{};
final pathClient = route.rq.uri.path;
var endpoint = endpointNorm([key]);
var path = endpointNorm([pathClient]);
// Check is param or not
if (key.contains("{")) {
var paramPath = getParamsPath(path, endpoint);
urlParams = paramPath.$2;
endpoint = paramPath.$1;
if (endpoint.endsWith('*/')) {
endpoint = endpoint.replaceAll('*/', '');
var isTarget = true;
final starPath = path.replaceFirst(endpoint, '');
for (var excluded in route.excludePaths) {
final special = endpointNorm([starPath]);
excluded = endpointNorm([excluded]);
if (special.startsWith(excluded)) {
isTarget = false;
if (isTarget && path.endsWith(starPath)) {
path = path.replaceFirst(starPath, '');
if (endpoint == path) {
if (!route.allowMethod()) {
return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
if (route.widget.isNotEmpty) {
if (!await checkPermission(seenAuth)) {
return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
return (found: true, urlParams: urlParams);
if (route.auth != null) {
seenAuth = route.auth;
var res = await route.auth!.auth();
if (res == false) return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
if (route.index == null) {
if (route.controller != null) {
if (!await checkPermission(seenAuth)) {
return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
await route.controller!.index();
return (found: true, urlParams: urlParams);
} else {
return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
} else {
if (!await checkPermission(seenAuth)) {
return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
await route.index!();
return (found: true, urlParams: urlParams);
} else if (route.children.isNotEmpty && path.contains(endpoint)) {
if (route.auth != null) {
seenAuth = route.auth;
var res = await route.auth!.auth();
if (res == false) return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);
if (await checkAll(route.children, parentPath: key)) {
return (found: true, urlParams: urlParams);
return (found: false, urlParams: urlParams);