index method

  1. @override
Future<String> index({
  1. Map<String, Object?> params = const {},

Handles the inclusion of JavaScript in the response.

This method generates a JavaScript snippet that includes:

  • Global configuration parameters such as the current time, language settings, and a timestamp.
  • A translation function (tr) to fetch localized strings.
  • A translation parameter function (trParam) to replace placeholders in the localized strings with provided parameters.
  • A URL path function (urlPath) to generate URLs based on the current request's URL.

The params parameter allows additional key-value pairs to be included in the global configuration.

Returns a Future<String> that resolves to a JavaScript snippet as a string.

The content type of the response is set to text/javascript.


Future<String> index({Map<String, Object?> params = const {}}) async {
  var allLanguage = rq.get<bool>('allLanguage', def: false);
  Map<String, Object?> global = {
    'language': allLanguage
        ? WaServer.appLanguages
        : WaServer.appLanguages[rq.getLanguage()] ?? {},
    'ln': rq.getLanguage(),
    'url': rq.url('/'),

  var jsonString = json.encode(global);
  String requestScript = '''
tr: function (path) {
  return request.language[path];
trParam: function (path, params) {
  var result = request.language[path];
  for (let key in params) {
    result = result.replace(`{\${key}}`, params[key]);
  return result;
urlPath : function(path){
  return '${rq.url('/')}'+path;
  var content = requestScript.replaceAll('\n', '').replaceAll('\t', '');

  return rq.renderString(
    text: content,
    contentType: ContentType('text', 'javascript', charset: 'utf-8'),