navigation<T> method

T navigation<T>({
  1. required String path,
  2. required T def,

Navigates through the map using the provided path and retrieves a value of type T.

path: A string representing the navigation path, using '/' to separate keys or indices (for lists). def: A default value of type T that is returned if the path does not resolve to a valid value.


var map = {
  'user': {
    'name': 'John',
    'address': {
      'city': 'New York',
      'zip': '10001'

var city = map.navigation(path: 'user/address/city', def: 'Unknown'); // returns 'New York'
var zip = map.navigation(path: 'user/address/zip', def: '00000'); // returns '10001'
var country = map.navigation(path: 'user/address/country', def: 'USA'); // returns 'USA'


T navigation<T>({
  required String path,
  required T def,
}) {
  List<String> arrPath = path.split('/');
  return _navigationArray(
    map: this,
    pathArray: arrPath,
    def: def,