getElement method

List<Map<String, dynamic>> getElement(
  1. String address,
  2. List<String> attribs, {
  3. String? extraAddress,

Returns List of elements found at specified address. Example address: "div.item > a.title" where item and title are class names of div and a tag respectively.

Sometimes the last address is not present consistently throughout the webpage. Use "extraAddress" to catch its attributes. Example extraAddress: "a"


List<Map<String, dynamic>> getElement(String address, List<String> attribs,
    {String? extraAddress}) {
  // Attribs are the list of attributes required to extract from the html tag(s) ex. ['href', 'title'].
  if (_document == null) {
    throw WebScraperException(
        'getElement cannot be called before loadWebPage');
  // Using query selector to get a list of particular element.
  var elements = _document!.querySelectorAll(address);
  // ignore: omit_local_variable_types
  List<Map<String, dynamic>> elementData = [];

  for (var element in elements) {
    var attribData = <String, dynamic>{};
    for (var attrib in attribs) {
      if (extraAddress != null) {
        var extraElement = element.querySelector(extraAddress);
        if (extraElement != null) {
          attribData[attrib] = extraElement.attributes[attrib];
      } else {
        attribData[attrib] = element.attributes[attrib];
      'title': element.text,
      'attributes': attribData,
  return elementData;