render method
Renders the timeseries into a <canvas>
and returns the canvas element.
CanvasElement render() {
_ctx.translate(0, _kCanvasHeight * window.devicePixelRatio);
_ctx.scale(1, -window.devicePixelRatio);
final double barWidth = _screenWidth / _stats.samples.length;
double xOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _stats.samples.length; i++) {
final AnnotatedSample sample = _stats.samples[i];
if (sample.isWarmUpValue) {
// Put gray background behind warm-up samples.
_ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(200,200,200,1)'.toJS;
_ctx.fillRect(xOffset, 0, barWidth, _normalized(_maxValueChartRange));
if (sample.magnitude > _maxValueChartRange) {
// The sample value is so big it doesn't fit on the chart. Paint it purple.
_ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(100,50,100,0.8)'.toJS;
} else if (sample.isOutlier) {
// The sample is an outlier, color it light red.
_ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.6)'.toJS;
} else {
// A non-outlier sample, color it light blue.
_ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(50,50,255,0.6)'.toJS;
_ctx.fillRect(xOffset, 0, barWidth - 1, _normalized(sample.magnitude));
xOffset += barWidth;
// Draw a horizontal solid line corresponding to the average.
_ctx.lineWidth = 1;
drawLine(0, _normalized(_stats.average), _screenWidth,
// Draw a horizontal dashed line corresponding to the outlier cut off.
_ctx.setLineDash(<JSNumber>[5.toJS, 5.toJS].toJS);
drawLine(0, _normalized(_stats.outlierCutOff), _screenWidth,
// Draw a light red band that shows the noise (1 stddev in each direction).
_ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.3)'.toJS;
_normalized(_stats.average * (1 - _stats.noise)),
_normalized(2 * _stats.average * _stats.noise),
return _canvas;