WeSlide constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. Widget? footer,
  3. Widget? appBar,
  4. required Widget body,
  5. Widget? panel,
  6. Widget? panelHeader,
  7. double panelMinSize = 150.0,
  8. double panelMaxSize = 400.0,
  9. double? panelWidth,
  10. double panelBorderRadiusBegin = 0.0,
  11. double panelBorderRadiusEnd = 0.0,
  12. double bodyBorderRadiusBegin = 0.0,
  13. double bodyBorderRadiusEnd = 0.0,
  14. double? bodyWidth,
  15. double transformScaleBegin = 1.0,
  16. double transformScaleEnd = 0.85,
  17. double parallaxOffset = 0.1,
  18. double overlayOpacity = 0.0,
  19. double blurSigma = 5.0,
  20. Color overlayColor = Colors.black,
  21. Color blurColor = Colors.black,
  22. Color backgroundColor = Colors.black,
  23. double footerHeight = 60.0,
  24. double appBarHeight = 80.0,
  25. bool hideFooter = true,
  26. bool hidePanelHeader = true,
  27. bool parallax = false,
  28. bool transformScale = false,
  29. bool overlay = false,
  30. bool blur = false,
  31. bool hideAppBar = true,
  32. bool isDismissible = true,
  33. bool isUpSlide = true,
  34. List<TweenSequenceItem<double>>? fadeSequence,
  35. Duration animateDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
  36. WeSlideController? controller,

Weslide Contructor


  Key? key,
  required this.body,
  this.panelMinSize = 150.0,
  this.panelMaxSize = 400.0,
  this.panelBorderRadiusBegin = 0.0,
  this.panelBorderRadiusEnd = 0.0,
  this.bodyBorderRadiusBegin = 0.0,
  this.bodyBorderRadiusEnd = 0.0,
  this.transformScaleBegin = 1.0,
  this.transformScaleEnd = 0.85,
  this.parallaxOffset = 0.1,
  this.overlayOpacity = 0.0,
  this.blurSigma = 5.0,
  this.overlayColor = Colors.black,
  this.blurColor = Colors.black,
  this.backgroundColor = Colors.black,
  this.footerHeight = 60.0,
  this.appBarHeight = 80.0,
  this.hideFooter = true,
  this.hidePanelHeader = true,
  this.parallax = false,
  this.transformScale = false,
  this.overlay = false,
  this.blur = false,
  this.hideAppBar = true,
  this.isDismissible = true,
  this.isUpSlide = true,
  List<TweenSequenceItem<double>>? fadeSequence,
  this.animateDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
})  : /*assert(body != null, 'body could not be null'),*/
      assert(panelMinSize >= 0.0, 'panelMinSize cannot be negative'),
      assert(footerHeight >= 0.0, 'footerHeight cannot be negative'),
      assert(appBarHeight >= 0.0, 'appBarHeight cannot be negative'),
      assert(panel != null, 'panel could not be null'),
      assert(panelMaxSize >= panelMinSize,
          'panelMaxSize cannot be less than panelMinSize'),
      fadeSequence = fadeSequence ??
                weight: 1.0, tween: Tween(begin: 1, end: 0)),
                weight: 8.0, tween: Tween(begin: 0, end: 0)),
      super(key: key) {
  if (controller == null) {
    // ignore: unnecessary_this
    this.controller = WeSlideController();