
A package that helps users create page transition effects with smooth waves

Image Description

Image Description

Image Description

video: https://github.com/huynhbaoking112/package_image_support_/blob/main/fancy_page_wave_transition_animation/nextpage.mp4

Getting started

class TransitionAnimation extends StatefulWidget { //Duration of spreading waves(milliseconds) default 1500 final int time;

//Widget next page final Widget nextPage;

//Circle magnification level default 10 final double circleLevel;

//Lane starting coordinates default(0.95, 0.9) final double x;

final double y;

const TransitionAnimation( {super.key, this.time = 1500, this.circleLevel = 10, required this.nextPage, this.x = 0.95, this.y = 0.9});

@override State


* Note that if you do not use the opaque: false property, the effect will still work, but it will hide the first page and replace it with a white area.

+ Infirst Page
              onTap: () {
                Navigator.push(context, PageRouteBuilder(
                  pageBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation) {
                    return TransitionAnimation({nextPage: SeconPage()});
                    opaque: false

Additional information

you can see package in : https://github.com/huynhbaoking112/All_Tip_Flutter/tree/main/fancy_page_wave_transition_animation


Huỳnh Bảo King email: huynhbaoking@gmail.com