optimizeSdp method
String optimizeSdp() {
// Split the SDP into lines.
final List<String> lines = split('\n');
// List of codecs you want to keep (customizable).
final List<String> allowedCodecs = ["opus", "h264", "av1"];
// Variable to store the optimized SDP.
String optimizedSdp = '';
for (String line in lines) {
// Check if the current line contains codec information.
if (line.contains('m=audio') || line.contains('m=video')) {
// This is the line describing codecs.
// Extract codecs from this line (e.g., "m=audio 12345 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8").
final List<String> codecTokens = line.split(' ');
// Get the list of codecs listed.
final List<String> codecs = codecTokens.sublist(3);
// Filter the codecs you want to keep.
final List<String> filteredCodecs =
codecs.where((codec) => allowedCodecs.contains(codec)).toList();
// Update the codec description line with the filtered codecs.
line =
'${codecTokens.sublist(0, 3).join(' ')} ${filteredCodecs.join(' ')}';
// Add the line to the optimized SDP.
optimizedSdp += '$line\n';
return optimizedSdp;