participantsOnlineTile property

String? get participantsOnlineTile


String? get participantsOnlineTile {
  if (participants.isEmpty) return null;

  final int numberOfPaticipants = participants.length;

  if (numberOfPaticipants == 1) {
    return '${participants[0].user?.fullName} is in the room';
  } else if (numberOfPaticipants == 2) {
    return '${participants[0].user?.fullName} and ${participants[1].user?.fullName} are in the room';
  } else {
    final int otherParticipants = numberOfPaticipants - 2;
    final String participantList = participants
        .sublist(0, 2)
        .map<String>((participant) => participant.user?.fullName ?? "")
        .join(', ');
    return '$participantList and $otherParticipants others are in the room';