Water Bottle


This library add a bottle widget to your screen. You can use it as a loading indicator, a progress tracker, or any kind of measurement suits your needs.

Plain Sphere Triangle

Sphere bottle get reduced to a ball when aspect ratio smaller than 1

Responsive Sphere


To use this library, add water_bottle as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Import it where you need

import 'package:water_bottle/water_bottle.dart';

Build bottle widget

final plainBottleRef = GlobalKey<WaterBottleState>();
    key: plainBottleRef, 
    waterColor: Colors.blue, 
    bottleColor: Colors.lightBlue,
    capColor: Colors.blueGrey

Update widget

plainBottleRef.currentState?.waterLevel = 0.5;// 0.0~1.0

For more please refer /example folder

Additional information

For more information, or contribution, please refer to the original github

