
A Web Assembly executor for the Dart programming language.

Currently it uses the wasmtime 9.0 or wasmi 0.30 Rust crates for parsing and executing WASM modules. Bindings are created using package:flutter_rust_bridge.

For more information on usage and documentation, please visit the main repository: https://github.com/juancastillo0/wasm_run.

This Flutter library only contains the necessary binaries for executing package:wasm_run's WASM API. The WASM runtime used for each platform is selected according to the platform and architecture according to the following table:

Platform Architecture Runtime1
Linux aarch64 x86_64 Wasmtime 9.0
MacOS aarch64 x86_64 Wasmtime 9.0
Windows aarch64 x86_64 Wasmtime 9.0
iOS aarch64 x86_64 aarch64-sim Wasmi 0.30
Android armeabi-v7a x86 x86_64 Wasmi 0.30
Android arm64-v8a Wasmtime 9.0
Web N/A Browser/Wasmi 0.30