createWasmParserWorker function

Future<WasmParserWorld> createWasmParserWorker({
  1. required WasmParserWorldImports imports,
  2. Future<WasmModule> loadModule()?,
  3. WorkersConfig? workersConfig,

Creates a WasmParserWorld with the given imports. It setsUp the dynamic library for wasm_run in native platforms and loads the wasm_parser WASM module from the file system or from the url pointing to 'lib/wasm_parser_wasm.wasm'.

If loadModule is provided, it will be used to load the WASM module. This can be useful if you want to provide a different configuration or implementation, or you are loading it from Flutter assets or from a different HTTP endpoint. By default, it will load the WASM module from the file system in lib/wasm_parser_wasm.wasm either reading it directly in native platforms or with a GET request for Dart web.

This version of the function is used to create a world that supports asynchronous executions thorough OS threads or Web Workers. However, it only supports in memory inputs and outputs. It does not support file system access or Wasi APIs.


Future<WasmParserWorld> createWasmParserWorker({
  required WasmParserWorldImports imports,
  Future<WasmModule> Function()? loadModule,
  WorkersConfig? workersConfig,
}) async {
  await WasmRunLibrary.setUp(override: false);

  final WasmModule module;
  if (loadModule != null) {
    module = await loadModule();
  } else {
    final uri = await WasmFileUris.uriForPackage(
      package: 'wasm_parser',
      libPath: 'assets/wasm_parser_wasm.threads.wasm',
    final uris = WasmFileUris(uri: uri);
    module = await uris.loadModule(
      config: ModuleConfig(
        wasmtime: ModuleConfigWasmtime(wasmThreads: true),
  final numWorkers = identical(0, 0.0) ? 2 : Platform.numberOfProcessors;
  final builder = module.builder(
    workersConfig: workersConfig ?? WorkersConfig(numberOfWorkers: numWorkers),

  return WasmParserWorld.init(builder, imports: imports);