WatInput.fromJson constructor

  1. Object? json_

Returns a new instance from a JSON value. May throw if the value does not have the expected structure.


factory WatInput.fromJson(Object? json_) {
  Object? json = json_;
  if (json is Map) {
    final MapEntry(:key, :value) =
        json.entries.firstWhere((e) => e.key != 'runtimeType');
    json = (
      key is int ? key : _spec.cases.indexWhere((c) => c.label == key),
  return switch (json) {
    (0, final value) ||
    [0, final value] =>
      WatInputText(value is String ? value : (value! as ParsedString).value),
    (1, final value) || [1, final value] => WatInputBinary((value is Uint8List
        ? value
        : Uint8List.fromList((value! as List).cast()))),
    (2, final value) || [2, final value] => WatInputFilePath(
        value is String ? value : (value! as ParsedString).value),
    _ => throw Exception('Invalid JSON $json_'),