
Inspired by Flutter Chips Input

Flutter package used for building an input field that uses chips as inputs by the user. This package is mainly intenteded to use for cryptocurrency wallets' words imports.


Made the package more oriented to crypto wallets word importing. Updated all code to latest Dart SDK, added new functionality and some refactors.


There are two builders: chipBuilder which returns a (context, state, T data) to build the desired chips and suggestionsBuilder if not null, returns (context, state, T data) to build a any kind of suggestions for the user to select, could be a List of words for example.

findSuggestions offers the capability to look up in the data and return query results to the suggestionsBuilder. onChanged returns the List<T> of data whenever it has changed.

Other useful features are showing the wordCountText which is a Widget at the bottom right of the text box to show how many words the user has typed and error/info/success messages to give the user some feedback.

See the example for more info.

Select suggestions or type

You can provide the user with a list of suggestions (see suggestionsBuilders) for they to select one or let them type themselves. Word count will also increase as the user types.

General Example

Paste Words

Users can also paste a list of words:

Word Pasting

Custom Message

You can let the user know the status of their process by passing a Widget into in the feedbackMsg parameter:

Word Pasting


Follow installation instructions here


import 'package:wallet_words/wallet_words.dart';


    key: _chipKey,
    chipBuilder: (context, state, String word) {
        return InputChip(
        key: ObjectKey(word),
        label: Text(word),
        onDeleted: () => state.deleteChip(word),
    suggestionBuilder: (context, state, String word, qty) {
        return ListTile(
        key: ObjectKey(word),
        title: Text(word),
        onTap: () => state.selectSuggestion(word),
    findSuggestions: (String query) {
        if (query.isNotEmpty) {
        final lowercaseQuery = query.toLowerCase();
        return mockWords.where((word) {
            return word.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase());
        }).toList(growable: false)
            (a, b) =>
        return mockWords;
    onChanged: (List<String> data) {
        setState(() {
        _wordCount = data.length;
    suggestionsHeightFromTop: 250,
    tooltip: SizedBox(
            width: 70.sp,
            height: 35.sp,
            child: const Center(
            child: Text(
                style: TextStyle(
                fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                fontSize: 12,
                color: Colors.white,
        tooltipArrowHeight: 5,

