Wake-on-LAN for Dart

Pubdev License

Dart library package to easily send Wake-on-LAN magic packets to devices on your local network.

Getting Started

wake_on_lan has three core classes for functionality, IPv4Address, MACAddress, and WakeOnLAN. All classes are exported in the main file, to import:

import 'package:wake_on_lan/wake_on_lan.dart';

Create an IPv4 Address

IPv4Address is a helper class to ensure that your IPv4 address has been formatted correctly.

The class has a static function, validate(String address) which allows easy validation that an IPv4 address string is correctly formatted.

Create an IPv4Address instance by using the factory IPv4Address.from(address) where address is a string representation of the broadcast address of the network (easily find your broadcast address using this tool). The factory will call the validation function mentioned above, but will throw a FormatException on a poorly constructed string, so it is recommended to validate it first.

String address = '';
if(IPv4Address.validate(address)) {
    IPv4Address ipv4 = IPv4Address.from(address);
    //Continue execution
} else {
    // Handle invalid address case

Create MAC Address

MACAddress is a helper class to ensure that your MAC address has been formatted correctly.

The class has a static function, validate(String address) which allows easy validation that a MAC address string is correctly formatted.

The MAC address must be delimited by colons (:) between each hexadecimal octet.

Create a MACAddress instance by using the factory MACAddress.from(address) where address is a string representation of the address. The factory will call the validation function mentioned above, but will throw a FormatException on a poorly constructed string, so it is recommended to validate it first.

String address = 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF';
if(MACAddress.validate(address)) {
    MACAddress mac = MACAddress.from(address);
    //Continue execution
} else {
    // Handle invalid address case

Sending Wake-on-LAN Packet

WakeOnLAN is the class to handle sending the actual wake-on-LAN magic packet to your network.

Create a WakeOnLAN instance by using the factory WakeOnLAN.from(ipv4, mac, { port }) where ipv4 is an IPv4Address instance, mac is a MACAddress instance, and port is an optional integer parameter for which port the packet should be sent over (defaulted to the specification standard port, 9).

Once created, call the function wake() on the WakeOnLAN object to send the packet.

String mac = 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF';
String ipv4 = '';
if(MACAddress.validate(mac) && IPv4Address.validate(ipv4)) {
    MACAddress macAddress = MACAddress.from(mac);
    IPv4Address ipv4Address = IPv4Address.from(ipv4);
    WakeOnLAN wol = WakeOnLAN.from(ipv4Address, macAddress, port: 1234);
    await wol.wake().then(() => print('sent'));

Web Support

Wake on LAN functionality utilizes User Datagram Protocol (UDP) which is not available in the browser because of security constraints.


Because wake-on-LAN packets are sent over UDP, beyond the successful creation of a datagram socket and sending the data over the network, there is no way to confirm that the machine has been awoken beyond pinging the machine after waking it (This functionality is not implemented in this package). This is because of the nature of UDP sockets which do not need to establish the connection for the data to be sent.


Dart library package to easily send Wake-on-LAN magic packets to devices on your local network.