UserServices class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


changePassword({required String oldPassword, required String newPassword, required String confirmPassword}) Future<Response>
To change user password in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
crateFcmToken() Future<Response>
to create fcm token for firebase cloud messaging services
deleteAccount() Future<Response>
To delete user account in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
deleteMultipleNotification({required String notificationId}) Future<Response>
To delete multiple notifications in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
deleteNotification({required int notificationId}) Future<Response>
To delete notification in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
getCoinTransactions({String? searchText, String? date, String? type}) Future<Response>
To get user coin transactions in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
getUserProfile() Future<Response>
To get user profile data in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
redeemCoins({required double coin, required String upiId}) Future<Response>
To redeem user coins in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
registerUser({required String email, required String phone, required String password, required String firstName, required String lastName, String? referralCode}) Future<Response>
To register new user in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
resendVerificationOtp({required String userName}) Future<Response>
To resend verification otp user needs to use below API
resetPassword({bool isMerchant = false, required String newPassword, required String confirmPassword, required String userName, required String otp}) Future<Response>
To reset user password in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateUserProfile({String? firstName, String? lastName, dynamic photo}) Future<Response>
To update user profile in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
userLogin({required String password, required String userName}) Future<Response>
To login into whitelabel app user needs to use below API
userLogOut() Future<Response>
To logout current logged in user in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
userSettingUpdate({required int userId, required bool orderUpdateNotification, required bool promotionNotification}) Future<Response>
To update user settings in whitelabel app user needs to use below API
verifyOtp({required String otp, required int userId}) Future<Response>
To verify user in whitelabel app user needs to use below API


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

getBaseUrl String
get method for base url API
no setter
kAuthenticatedGetRequestHeader ↔ dynamic
dynamic authenticated header for authenticated get requests
getter/setter pair
kAuthenticatedPostRequestHeader ↔ dynamic
dynamic authenticated header for authenticated post requests
getter/setter pair