buildRoute method

  1. @override
Widget buildRoute(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. Uri? url,
  3. String? routeId,

Builds a Widget for the given route url or id. This is used for top-level documents called routes. These could represent a page, dialog or a conditional-route.


Widget buildRoute(BuildContext context, {Uri? url, String? routeId}) {
  final label = [
    url == null ? null : 'Url: $url',
    routeId == null ? null : 'RouteId: $routeId',
  ].firstWhere((x) => x != null);

  return ScopedDIWidget(
    debugLabel: 'Scoped DI for $label',
    child: RouteFutureBuilder(
      url: url,
      routeId: routeId,
      fetchRoute: (context, {path, routeId}) => provider
          .fetchRoute(path: path, routeId: routeId)
          .then((value) async {
        if (!context.mounted) {
          return null;

        // Reset DI scope when a new route is fetched
        await context.di.reset();

        if (!context.mounted) {
          return null;

        // Now initialize the new route, since the DI scope has been reset
        // and we have a clean slate for new registrations
        final finalRoute = await value?.init(context);
        return finalRoute;
      buildContent: buildContent,