onGenerateComplete method

  1. @override
Future<void> onGenerateComplete(
  1. Logger logger,
  2. Directory outputDir


Future<void> onGenerateComplete(Logger logger, Directory outputDir) async {
  // For projects, the outputDir is the parent directory where the project was created
  // We need to determine the actual project directory based on the directory contents

  // Look for a subdirectory that contains pubspec.yaml (the Flutter project)
  final entries = outputDir.listSync();
  Directory? projectDir;

  for (final entry in entries) {
    if (entry is Directory) {
      final pubspecFile = File(path.join(entry.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
      if (pubspecFile.existsSync()) {
        projectDir = entry;

  // If we couldn't find a project directory, use the output directory
  final targetDir = projectDir ?? outputDir;

    logger: logger,
    outputDir: targetDir,
    message: 'Created a Vyuh Project! 🚀',