getTargetDirectory method

  1. @override
Future<Directory> getTargetDirectory()

Determines the target directory for generation


Future<Directory> getTargetDirectory() async {
  // Determine the base directory (feature directory, custom output directory, or current directory)
  final Directory baseDir;
  if (outputDirectory != null) {
    // Use specified output directory
    baseDir = Directory(outputDirectory!);
    if (!baseDir.existsSync()) {
      logger.err('Output directory not found: ${baseDir.path}');
      throw Exception('Output directory not found: ${baseDir.path}');
  } else if (featureName != null) {
    // Use feature directory if feature name is provided
    baseDir = Directory(
        path.join('features', featureName!, 'feature_$featureName'));
    if (!baseDir.existsSync()) {
      logger.err('Feature directory not found: ${baseDir.path}');
      throw Exception('Feature directory not found: ${baseDir.path}');
  } else {
    // Default to current directory if neither output directory nor feature name is provided
    baseDir = Directory('.');
        'No feature or output directory specified. Using current directory.');

  final contentDir = Directory(path.join(baseDir.path, 'lib', 'content'));
  return contentDir;