SDK Installation
Add below dependency in your project's pubspec.yaml
vwo_fme_flutter_sdk: <latest version>
Latest version of SDK can be found in pub.dev
For iOS, install the CocoaPods dependencies by running below command. Supports iOS version 12.0 and above.
cd example/ios && pod install
Official Documentation
For more detailed documentation, please refer here.
Basic Usage
import 'package:vwo_fme_flutter_sdk/vwo/models/vwo_init_options.dart';
import 'package:vwo_fme_flutter_sdk/vwo/models/vwo_context.dart';
import 'package:vwo_fme_flutter_sdk/vwo/models/get_flag.dart';
import 'package:vwo_fme_flutter_sdk/vwo.dart';
// Initialize the VWO SDK and get the initialization status.
var initOptions = VWOInitOptions(sdkKey: sdkKey, accountId: accountId);
VWO? vwoClient = await VWO.init(initOptions);
// Define the user context with user ID and custom variables.
final vwoContext = VWOContext(
userId: userId,
customVariables: {'number': 12, 'key2': 'value2'}
// Get the feature flag result.
final GetFlag? flagResult = await vwoClient?.getFlag(
flagName: flagName,
vwoContext: vwoContext,
// Get the isEnabled status of the flag.
bool isEnabled = flagResult.isEnabled();
// Get a specific variable from the flag, with a default value.
dynamic color = flagResult.getVariable('feature_flag_variable_key', 'default_value');
// Get all variables associated with the flag.
dynamic variables = flagResult.getVariables();
// Track an event with the given event name and user context.
final trackingResult = await vwoClient?.trackEvent(
eventName: eventName,
context: userContext,
// Set a user attributes with the given key, value, and user context.
var attributes = {
'userType': 'free',
'price': 99,
"isEnterpriseCustomer": false
await vwoClient?.setAttribute(
attributes: attributes,
vwoContext: vwoContext,
Please go through our contributing guidelines
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Copyright 2024-2025 Wingify Software Pvt. Ltd.
- fme_config
- logger/log_transport
- vwo
- vwo/models/get_flag
- Copyright 2024-2025 Wingify Software Pvt. Ltd.
- vwo/models/variable
- vwo/models/vwo_context
- vwo/models/vwo_init_options
- vwo_fme_flutter_sdk_method_channel
- vwo_fme_flutter_sdk_platform_interface