vtable library


A cell validation result; this includes both the severity and a custom message.
A Flutter table widget featuring virtualization, sorting, and custom cell rendering.
The definition of a table's column.


The possible severity results for cell validation.


CompareFunction<T> = int Function(T a, T b)
A callback to compare two table row data objects.
ItemTapHandler<T> = void Function(T object)
A callback to react to row taps.
OnSelectionChanged<T> = void Function(T? selectedItem)
A callback to react to table row selection changes.
RenderFunction<T> = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, T object, String out)
A callback to render a data object (T) to a widget.
StyleFunction<T> = TextStyle? Function(T object)
A callback to apply style to a cell based on a data object's properties.
TransformFunction<T> = String Function(T object)
A callback to render a data object to a string.
ValidationFunction<T> = ValidationResult? Function(T object)
A callback to apply validation to a table cell.