VoltronApi class

封装dart to c++的api调用,处理各种中间数据




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

enableVoltronBuffer bool
no setter

Static Methods

bindDomAndRender(int domInstanceId, int engineId, int renderManagerId) → void
callFunction(int engineId, String action, Object params, CommonCallback callback) Future
connectRootViewAndRuntime(int engineId, int rootId) → void
createDevtools({String dataDir = '', String wsUrl = ''}) Future<int>
destroy(int engineId, CommonCallback callback, bool isReload) Future
destroyDevtools(int devtoolsId, bool isReload) Future
getCrashMessage() Future<String>
getVoltronEngineIndex() int
initBridge() → void
initJsFrameWork({String globalConfig = '', bool singleThreadMode = false, bool isDevModule = false, required int groupId, required int engineId, required int vfsId, required int domId, required CommonCallback callback, required int devtoolsId}) Future<int>
loadInstance(int engineId, VoltronMap params) Future
notifyLoadingFinished(int engineId, String requestId, String loadingFinishContent) → void
network notification, when a network request will response Finished
notifyRequestWillBeSent(int engineId, String requestId, String requestContent) → void
network notification, when network a request will be sent to server
notifyResponseReceived(int engineId, String requestId, String responseContent, String bodyData) → void
network notification, when a network request response received
runScriptFromUri(int engineId, int vfsId, String uri, String codeCacheDir, bool canUseCodeCache, bool isLocalFile, CommonCallback callback) Future<bool>
strByteDataToPointer(ByteData data) Pointer<Utf16>
unloadInstance(int engineId, VoltronMap params) Future