
List all Vietnam Provinces.


Find province, district, ward by code and keyword

final vnProvinces = VNProvinces();
List<VNProvince> provinces = vnProvinces.allProvince(keyword: "hà nội");
List<VNDistrict> districts = vnProvinces.allProvince(1, keyword: "Ba Đình");
List<VNWard> wards = vnProvinces.allProvince(1, keyword: "phúc Xá");


Go to: GSO (this URL may change when GSOVN replaces their software).

  • Find the button "Xuất Excel".
  • Tick the "Quận Huyện Phường Xã" checkbox.
  • Click the button to export and download list of units in Excel (XLS) file.
  • Update follow this code

Data source

Name and code of provinces, districts and wards: General Statistics Office of Viet Nam.

Phone area code: Thái Bình province's department of Information and Communication.


Given to you by GonexTeam, after nights and weekends.