collapse method

CallGraph collapse(
  1. NodeType type, {
  2. bool dropCallNodes = false,

Compute a collapsed version of the call-graph, where


CallGraph collapse(NodeType type, {bool dropCallNodes = false}) {
  final graphNodesByData = <Object, CallGraphNode>{};
  final graphNodeByEntityId = <CallGraphNode?>[];

  ProgramInfoNode collapsed(ProgramInfoNode nn) {
    // Root always collapses onto itself.
    if (nn == program.root) {
      return nn;

    // Even though all code is grouped into libraries, not all libraries
    // are grouped into packages (e.g. dart:* libraries). Meaning
    // that if we are collapsing by package we need to stop right before
    // hitting the root node.
    var n = nn;
    while (n.parent != program.root && n.type != type) {
      n = n.parent!;
    return n;

  CallGraphNode callGraphNodeFor(Object data) {
    return graphNodesByData.putIfAbsent(data, () {
      final n = CallGraphNode(graphNodesByData.length, data: data);
      if (data is ProgramInfoNode) {
        if (graphNodeByEntityId.length <= {
          graphNodeByEntityId.length = * 2 + 1;
        graphNodeByEntityId[] = n;
      return n;

  final newNodes = {
    if ( is ProgramInfoNode) {
      return callGraphNodeFor(collapsed(;
    } else if (!dropCallNodes) {
      return callGraphNodeFor(;
  }).toList(growable: false);

  for (var n in nodes) {
    for (var succ in n.succ) {
      final from = newNodes[];
      final to = newNodes[];

      if (from != null && to != null) {

  return CallGraph._(program, graphNodesByData.values.toList(growable: false),