toProgramInfo function

ProgramInfo toProgramInfo(
  1. List<SymbolInfo> symbols, {
  2. bool collapseAnonymousClosures = false,

Restore hierarchical ProgramInfo representation from the list of symbols by parsing function names.

If collapseAnonymousClosures is set to true then all anonymous closures within the same scopes are collapsed together. Collapsing closures is helpful when comparing symbol sizes between two versions of the same program because in general there is no reliable way to recognize the same anonymous closures into two independent compilations.


ProgramInfo toProgramInfo(List<SymbolInfo> symbols,
    {bool collapseAnonymousClosures = false}) {
  final program = ProgramInfo();
  for (var sym in symbols) {
    final scrubbed =;
    final libraryUri = sym.libraryUri;

    // Handle stubs specially.
    if (libraryUri == null) {
      final node = program.makeNode(
          name: scrubbed, parent: program.stubs, type: NodeType.functionNode);
      assert(node.size == null ||;
      node.size = (node.size ?? 0) + sym.size;

    // Split the name into components (names of individual functions).
    final path =;

    var node = program.root;
    final package = packageOf(libraryUri);
    if (package != libraryUri) {
      node = program.makeNode(
          name: package, parent: node, type: NodeType.packageNode);
    node = program.makeNode(
        name: libraryUri, parent: node, type: NodeType.libraryNode);
    node = program.makeNode(
        name: sym.className!, parent: node, type: NodeType.classNode);
    node = program.makeNode(
        name: path.first, parent: node, type: NodeType.functionNode);
    for (var name in path.skip(1)) {
      if (collapseAnonymousClosures) {
        name = Name.collapse(name);
      node = program.makeNode(
          name: name, parent: node, type: NodeType.functionNode);
    node.size = (node.size ?? 0) + sym.size;

  return program;