VkDartWallUpdate class



VkDartWallUpdate(VkDartUpdate update)


accessKey String?
Attachment access key.
no setterinherited
attachments List<AttachmentModel>
An array of objects corresponding to media resources attached to a record: photos, documents, video files, and others. See https://dev.vk.com/ru/reference/objects/wall#attachments
no setterinherited
attachType String
Attachment type.
commentsCount int?
number of comments;
no setterinherited
copyHistory List<WallAttachmentModel>?
An array containing the history of reposts to be recorded. It is returned only if the record is a repost. Each of the array objects, in turn, is a standard format record object.
no setterinherited
copyrightId int
no setterinherited
no setterinherited
copyrightName String?
no setterinherited
copyrightType String?
no setterinherited
createdAt int?
The time when the record was published in unixtime format.
no setterinherited
createdUserId int?
The ID of the administrator who published the entry (returned only for communities when requested with an administrator access key). It is returned in records published less than 24 hours ago.
no setterinherited
donut Map<String, dynamic>?
Information about VK Donut entry:
no setterinherited
fromId int?
The ID of the author of the record (on whose behalf the record was published).
no setterinherited
geoCoordinates String?
location coordinates;
no setterinherited
geoPlace Map<String, dynamic>?
description of the place (if it has been added). See https://dev.vk.com/ru/reference/objects/wall#geo
no setterinherited
geoType String?
type of place;
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id int
Attachment ID.
no setterinherited
isCanDelete bool?
Information about whether the current user can delete an entry
no setterinherited
isCanEdit bool?
Information about whether the current user can edit the record
no setterinherited
isCanPin bool?
Information about whether the current user can pin the record
no setterinherited
isCommentsCanClose bool?
Can the current user close comments on the post;
no setterinherited
isCommentsCanOpen bool?
whether the current user can open comments on the post.
no setterinherited
isCommentsCanPost bool?
information about whether the current user can comment on the entry ;
no setterinherited
isCommentsGroupsCanPost bool?
information about whether communities can comment on the post;
no setterinherited
isFavorite bool?
true if the object has been added to the bookmarks of the current user.
no setterinherited
isFriendsOnly bool?
1, if the record was created with the "Friends only" option.
no setterinherited
isGroup bool
Check is Group
no setter
isLikesCanLike bool?
information about whether the current user can mark "Like";
no setterinherited
isLikesCanPublish bool?
information about whether the current user can repost the post;
no setterinherited
isMarkedAsAds bool?
Information about whether the record contains the mark "advertising"
no setterinherited
isPinned bool?
Information that the record is pinned.
no setterinherited
isPostNew bool
Check is wall post new.
no setter
isRepost bool
Check is wall repost.
no setter
isUser bool
Check is User.
no setter
isUserLikes bool?
the presence of a "like" mark from the current user ;
no setterinherited
isUserReposted bool?
Indicates whether the current user has reposted the attachment.
no setterinherited
likesCount int?
the number of users who liked the post;
no setterinherited
ownerId int
Attachment owner identifier.
no setterinherited
payload Map<String, dynamic>
postponedId int?
ID of the deferred record. This field is returned when the recording was on the timer.
no setterinherited
postSource Map<String, dynamic>?
Information about the recording placement method. See https://vk.com/dev/objects/wall#post_source
no setterinherited
postType String?
The record type can take the following values: post, copy, reply, postpone, suggest.
no setterinherited
replyOwnerId int?
The ID of the owner of the record in response to which the current one was left.
no setterinherited
replyPostId int?
ID of the record that the current one was left in response to.
no setterinherited
repostsCount int?
the number of reposts;
no setterinherited
repostsMailCount int?
counter of reposts in personal messages.
no setterinherited
repostsWallCount int?
repost counter on the wall.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
signerId int?
The ID of the author, if the entry was published on behalf of the community and signed by the user;
no setterinherited
text String?
Text wall.
no setterinherited
update VkDartUpdate
viewsCount int?
the number of views of the wall.
no setterinherited


checkBoolInProperty(String key) bool?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.