subscribeStoryApp abstract method

Future<VKWebAppSubscribeStoryAppResult> subscribeStoryApp({
  1. required int storyOwnerId,
  2. required int storyId,
  3. required int stickerId,
  4. String? accessKey,

VKWebAppSubscribeStoryApp allows the current user to subscribe to updates from an app in history. After successful completion, you can send a notification to the user about the reaction to the story using the stories.sendInteraction method. (

The method is called with the service token of your application, you must pass access_key in the parameters, which will return the VKWebAppSubscribeStoryAppResult event.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Web, Mobile Web

Returned in launch parameters, vk_ref field:

storyOwnerId - the story owner ID. storyId - the story ID. stickerId - the ID of the clickable sticker. accessKey - access key for private stories.


Future<VKWebAppSubscribeStoryAppResult> subscribeStoryApp({
  required int storyOwnerId,
  required int storyId,
  required int stickerId,
  String? accessKey,