convertResponse<ResultType, Item> method

  1. @override
FutureOr<Response<ResultType>> convertResponse<ResultType, Item>(
  1. Response response

Converts the received Response to a Response which has a body of the type BodyType.

BodyType is the expected type of the resulting Response's body (e.g., String or CustomObject).

If BodyType is a List or a BuiltList, InnerType is the type of the generic parameter (e.g., convertResponse<List<CustomObject>, CustomObject>(response) ).


FutureOr<Response<ResultType>> convertResponse<ResultType, Item>(
    Response response) async {
  if (ResultType == NoContent) {
    return response.copyWith<NoContent>(body: NoContent())
        as Response<ResultType>;

  // use [JsonConverter] to decode json
  final jsonRes = await super.convertResponse(response);

  return jsonRes.copyWith<ResultType>(body: _decode<Item>(jsonRes.body));