getAudioIntensity function

double getAudioIntensity({
  1. required double value,
  2. double maximum = 0,
  3. double minimum = -70,

Calculates the intensity of an audio unit in decibels.

value should be a negative number representing the decibels. This value should not be above maximum or below minimum.


double getAudioIntensity({
  required double value,
  double maximum = 0,
  double minimum = -70,
}) {
  assert(value <= 0);
  assert(value <= maximum);
  assert(value >= minimum);

  var percent = (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum);

  // Limits the percentage to 0 and 1.
  if (percent < 0) {
    percent = 0;
  } else if (percent > 1) {
    percent = 1;

  return percent;