getJsonStreamFromResponse function

Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> getJsonStreamFromResponse(
  1. Response response, {
  2. Iterable<String> ignorePrefixes = const [],

Parses the json in the response that is being sent as a stream.

For this method to work you need to use:


When making a request using Dio.


Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> getJsonStreamFromResponse(
  Response response, {
  Iterable<String> ignorePrefixes = const [],
}) async* {
  var data =;
  Stream<Uint8List> stream =;
  Uint8List? lastChunk;
  String? lastPart;
  await for (var chunk in stream) {
    try {
      // Handling incomplete uft8 parts.
      // Sometimes the chunk is missing a part of a symbol.
      if (lastChunk != null) {
        chunk.insertAll(0, lastChunk);

      // Decoding bytes to text.
      String str;
      try {
        str = utf8.decode(chunk);
      } on FormatException {
        logger.warn('Failed at utf8 decoding. Attempting raw string decode');
        str = String.fromCharCodes(chunk);

      // If decode worked, then we can dismiss the last chunk.
      if (lastChunk != null) {'Able to read the chunk after concatenation.');
      lastChunk = null;

      // Spliting by new lines but don't remember why.
      var parts = str.split('\n');
      for (var part in parts) {
        part = part.trim();

        // Concatenating part with last chunk
        if (lastPart != null) {
          part = lastPart + part;
          lastPart = null;

        // Aborting part processing
        if (part.isEmpty || part.trim() == '[DONE]') {

        // Ignoring prefixes
        var ignored = false;
        for (var ignorePrefix in ignorePrefixes) {
          if (part.startsWith('$ignorePrefix: ')) {
                .warn('Ignored chunk part with prefix ($ignorePrefix): $part.');
            ignored = true;
        if (ignored) {

        // Processing part
        if (part.startsWith('data: ')) {
          part = part.substring(6);

        // Making the json valid
        // The [part] variable can become invalid, if the stream has cut on the
        // middle of a [ignorePrefixes].
        if (!part.startsWith('{')) {
          var index = part.indexOf('{');
          if (index >= 0) {
            part = part.substring(index);

        try {
          Map<String, dynamic> map = jsonDecode(part);
          //'Processed chunk part: $part');
          yield map;
        } on FormatException {
          // Failed to parse json. Must be only part of the json.
          logger.warn('Failed to parse json: $part');
          lastPart = part;
    } on FormatException {
      // Problem in the uft8.decode call.
      // This must be due to incomplete chunk that is not parsable.
          'Problem in the utf8.decode call when fetching stream. Saving the incomplete chunk');
      if (lastChunk == null) {
        lastChunk = chunk;
      } else {