process method
Future<void> process(String chunk) async {
if (_stopped) {
// We generate one file for each sentence. So, we need to split the string
// using the sentence separator characters.
_currentSencence += chunk;
Pattern separator = RegExp(r'\.|\?|!');
if (!_currentSencence.contains(separator)) {
// The current sentence is not completed. No more actions are needed at
// this time.
// Handling sentence end and begin to process new sentence
Iterable<String> parts =
splitPreservingSeparator(_currentSencence, separator);
// Filtering empty parts for cases like "...".
parts = => x.trim()).where((part) => part.trim().isNotEmpty);
if (parts.isEmpty) {
_currentSencence = '';
// Means that the sentence is completed. So we need to create a audio
// file.
var sentence = parts.first;
// We need to begin the processing of the next sentences.
var rest = parts.skip(1).join('.');
_currentSencence = '';
if (sentence.isNotEmpty) {
_logger.debug('Completed reading a sentence: $sentence');
if (onSentenceCompleted != null) {
var newSentence = onSentenceCompleted!(sentence);
if (newSentence != null) {
sentence = newSentence;
var audioFile = _generateAudio(sentence);
_sentences.add((sentence, audioFile));
await process(rest);