Pub Version

Visual Cache

A Flutter package for easily obtaining the size of the application cache. Visual Cache allows you to retrieve the cache size in a human-readable format (MB or GB), making it suitable for displaying cache-related information in your app's UI.


  • Real-time cache display/updates.
  • Get the cache size of your Flutter app.
  • Display cache size in MB or GB.
  • Easy to integrate and use in any Flutter app.
  • Ability to add your own catalogs and your own colors.
  • Flexible chart settings.


Getting Started

To use the Visual Cache package, follow these simple steps:


Add Visual Cache as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  visual_cache: ^1.1.1


// Import package
import 'package:visual_cache/visual_widget.dart';

 /// Show cache chart
   /// 'Path to subdirectories (folder)': 'Custom name subdirectories'
   namedSubdirectories: {
     'NewFolder': 'Images',
     'NewFolder2': 'Videos',
     'NewFolder3': 'File',
   /// Custom colors subdirectories
   colorSubdirectories: [
     Colors.amberAccent, // Images color
     Colors.deepOrange, // Videos color
     Colors.deepPurpleAccent, // File color
     Colors.teal, // Add a final color for "Rest Cache" if you don't want it to be determined by itself
   showLegends: true, // Enable disable display of directory names
   isRealTime: true, // Enable disable realtime cache
   /// Custom text style
    textStyle: TextStyle (

Available temporarily only for Android.