RouteProgressEvent class

This class contains all progress information at any given time during a navigation session. This progress includes information for the current route, leg and step the user is traversing along. With every new valid location update, a new route progress will be generated using the latest information.


RouteProgressEvent({bool? arrived, double? distanceRemaining, double? durationRemaining, double? distanceTraveled, double? currentLegDistanceTraveled, double? currentLegDistanceRemaining, String? currentStepInstruction, RouteLeg? currentLeg, RouteLeg? priorLeg, List<RouteLeg>? remainingLegs, int? legIndex, int? stepIndex, bool? isProgressEvent, String? currentModifier, String? currentModifierType, double? distanceToNextTurn})
RouteProgressEvent.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


arrived bool?
getter/setter pair
currentLeg RouteLeg?
Current leg the user is traversing along.
getter/setter pair
currentLegDistanceRemaining double?
getter/setter pair
currentLegDistanceTraveled double?
getter/setter pair
currentLocation CurrentLocation?
Current location of the user, this is the raw location from the location provider
getter/setter pair
currentModifier String?
currentModifierType and currentModifier is an additional instruction on how to complete the current step.
getter/setter pair
currentModifierType String?
Current modifier of the step the user is on. currentModifierType and currentModifier is an additional instruction on how to complete the current step.
getter/setter pair
currentStepInstruction String?
Text instruction for the current step the user is on.
getter/setter pair
distanceRemaining double?
getter/setter pair
distanceToNextTurn double?
Distance to the next turn, in meters.
getter/setter pair
distanceTraveled double?
getter/setter pair
durationRemaining double?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isProgressEvent bool?
getter/setter pair
legIndex int?
getter/setter pair
priorLeg RouteLeg?
getter/setter pair
remainingLegs List<RouteLeg>?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
snappedLocation CurrentLocation?
Current snapped location of the user, this is the location snapped to the route This value will stable if the user is not moving The location is always on the route, if the user is off route, the location will be snapped to the nearest point on the route
getter/setter pair
stepIndex int?
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.