VideoViewerController class

Mixed-in types


Controls a platform video viewer, and provides updates when the state is changing.


activeAd VideoViewerAd?
no setter
activeCaption String?
no setter
activeCaptionData SubtitleData?
no setter
activeSource VideoSource?
no setter
activeSourceName String?
no setter
adsSeen List<VideoViewerAd>
adTimeWatched Duration?
no setter
beginRange Duration
no setter
context BuildContext?
getter/setter pair
duration Duration
no setter
endRange Duration
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
isBuffering bool
getter/setter pair
isChangingSource bool
no setter
isDraggingProgressBar bool
getter/setter pair
isFullScreen bool
no setter
isPlaying bool
no setter
isShowingChat bool
getter/setter pair
isShowingMainSettingsMenu bool
no setter
isShowingOverlay bool
no setter
isShowingSecondarySettingsMenus List<bool>
isShowingSettingsMenu bool
getter/setter pair
isShowingThumbnail bool
getter/setter pair
looping bool
getter/setter pair
maxBuffering Duration
no setter
mounted bool
no setter
position Duration
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
source Map<String, VideoSource>?
getter/setter pair
subtitle VideoViewerSubtitle?
no setter
subtitles List<SubtitleData>?
no setter
video VideoPlayerController?
no setter


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
cancelCloseOverlay() → void
changeSource({required VideoSource source, required String name, bool inheritPosition = true, bool autoPlay = true}) Future<void>
The must be initialized previously
changeSubtitle({required VideoViewerSubtitle? subtitle, required String subtitleName}) Future<void>
closeAllSecondarySettingsMenus() → void
closeFullScreen() Future<void>
When you want to close FullScreen Page, you need pass the FullScreen's context, because this function do Navigator.pop(context);
closeSettingsMenu() → void
didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() → void
Called when the system changes the set of currently active accessibility features.
didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) → void
Called when the system puts the app in the background or returns the app to the foreground.
didChangeLocales(List<Locale>? locales) → void
Called when the system tells the app that the user's locale has changed. For example, if the user changes the system language settings.
didChangeMetrics() → void
Called when the application's dimensions change. For example, when a phone is rotated.
didChangePlatformBrightness() → void
Called when the platform brightness changes.
didChangeTextScaleFactor() → void
Called when the platform's text scale factor changes.
didChangeViewFocus(ViewFocusEvent event) → void
Called whenever the PlatformDispatcher receives a notification that the focus state on a view has changed.
didHaveMemoryPressure() → void
Called when the system is running low on memory.
didPopRoute() Future<bool>
Called when the system tells the app to pop the current route, such as after a system back button press or back gesture.
didPushRoute(String route) Future<bool>
Called when the host tells the application to push a new route onto the navigator.
didPushRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) Future<bool>
Called when the host tells the application to push a new RouteInformation and a restoration state onto the router.
didRequestAppExit() Future<AppExitResponse>
Called when a request is received from the system to exit the application.
dispose() Future<void>
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
handleCancelBackGesture() → void
Called when a predictive back gesture is canceled, indicating that no navigation should occur.
handleCommitBackGesture() → void
Called when a predictive back gesture is finished successfully, indicating that the current route should be popped.
handleStartBackGesture(PredictiveBackEvent backEvent) bool
Called at the start of a predictive back gesture.
handleUpdateBackGestureProgress(PredictiveBackEvent backEvent) → void
Called when a predictive back gesture moves.
initialize(Map<String, VideoSource> sources, {bool autoPlay = true}) Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
openFullScreen() Future<void>
When you want to open FullScreen Page, you need pass the FullScreen's context, because this function do Navigator.push(context, TransparentRoute(...))
openOrCloseFullscreen() Future<void>
openSecondarySettingsMenu(int index) → void
openSettingsMenu() → void
pause() Future<void>
play() Future<void>
playOrPause() Future<void>
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
seekTo(Duration position) Future<void>
showAndHideOverlay([bool? show]) → void
skipAd() Future<void>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.