TrimEditorProperties constructor

const TrimEditorProperties({
  1. double circleSize = 5.0,
  2. double circleSizeOnDrag = 8.0,
  3. double borderWidth = 3.0,
  4. double scrubberWidth = 1.0,
  5. double borderRadius = 4.0,
  6. Color circlePaintColor = Colors.white,
  7. Color borderPaintColor = Colors.white,
  8. Color scrubberPaintColor = Colors.white,
  9. int sideTapSize = 24,

Helps defining the Trim Editor properties.

A better look at the structure of the Trim Viewer:

All the parameters are optional:

  • circleSize for specifying a size to the holder at the two ends of the video trimmer area, while it is idle. By default it is set to 5.0.

  • circleSizeOnDrag for specifying a size to the holder at the two ends of the video trimmer area, while it is being dragged. By default it is set to 8.0.

  • borderWidth for specifying the width of the border around the trim area. By default it is set to 3.0.

  • scrubberWidth for specifying the width of the video scrubber. By default it is set to 1.0.

  • borderRadius for applying a circular border radius to the corners of the trim area. By default it is set to 4.0.

  • circlePaintColor for specifying a color to the circle. By default it is set to Colors.white.

  • borderPaintColor for specifying a color to the border of the trim area. By default it is set to Colors.white.

  • scrubberPaintColor for specifying a color to the video scrubber inside the trim area. By default it is set to Colors.white.

  • sideTapSize determines the touch size of the side handles, left and right. The rest, in the center, will move the whole frame if maxVideoLength is inferior to the total duration of the video.


const TrimEditorProperties({
  this.circleSize = 5.0,
  this.circleSizeOnDrag = 8.0,
  this.borderWidth = 3.0,
  this.scrubberWidth = 1.0,
  this.borderRadius = 4.0,
  this.circlePaintColor = Colors.white,
  this.borderPaintColor = Colors.white,
  this.scrubberPaintColor = Colors.white,
  this.sideTapSize = 24,