videPlaybackControl method

Future<bool> videPlaybackControl({
  1. required double startValue,
  2. required double endValue,

For getting the video controller state, to know whether the video is playing or paused currently.

The two required parameters are startValue & endValue

  • startValue is the current starting point of the video.
  • endValue is the current ending point of the video.

Returns a Future<bool>, if true then video is playing otherwise paused.


Future<bool> videPlaybackControl({
  required double startValue,
  required double endValue,
}) async {
  if (videoPlayerController!.value.isPlaying) {
    await videoPlayerController!.pause();
    return false;
  } else {
    if (videoPlayerController!.value.position.inMilliseconds >=
        endValue.toInt()) {
      await videoPlayerController!
          .seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: startValue.toInt()));
      await videoPlayerController!.play();
      return true;
    } else {
      await videoPlayerController!.play();
      return true;