initVideoPlayerMediaKitIfNeeded function

void initVideoPlayerMediaKitIfNeeded({
  1. bool iosUseMediaKit = false,
  2. bool androidUseMediaKit = false,
  3. MPVLogLevel logLevel = MPVLogLevel.warn,
  4. bool throwErrors = true,

Initializes the VideoPlayerMediaKit plugin if running on a supported platform.

On Windows, Linux, and macOS, this function registers the VideoPlayerMediaKit plugin using the registerWith() method. On iOS, it also registers the plugin if the iosUseMediaKit parameter is set to true. On Android, it registers the plugin using the registerWith() method if the androidUseMediaKit parameter is set to true.

If the current platform is not supported or is the web platform, this function does nothing.


  • iosUseMediaKit: A boolean value indicating whether to register the plugin on iOS.
  • androidUseMediaKit: A boolean value indicating whether to register the plugin on Android.
  • logLevel: A LogLevel value indicating the desired log level.
  • throwErrors: when playing errors happens, throw error (can be disabled incase of false positives)


void initVideoPlayerMediaKitIfNeeded(
    {bool iosUseMediaKit = false,
    bool androidUseMediaKit = false,
    MPVLogLevel logLevel = MPVLogLevel.warn,bool throwErrors = true}) {}