Video Player Dart VLC

Video Player Dart VLC is a platform interface for video player using dart_vlc to work on Windows and Linux. This interface allows you to play videos seamlessly in your flutter applications.

How to use

To use Video Player Dart VLC in your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Add the Video Player Dart VLC dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:
  video_player_dart_vlc: ^0.1.5
  1. Import the package in your Dart code
import 'package:video_player_dart_vlc/video_player_dart_vlc.dart';
  1. Initialize the Video Player Dart VLC interface in the main function of your app:
void main() {

video_player is the package used for playing videos on Android, iOS, and web platforms.

dart_vlc is the package used for playing videos on Windows, Linux platforms.