VideoJsController class


VideoJsController(String playerId, {VideoJsOptions? videoJsOptions})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
playerId String
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
videoJsOptions VideoJsOptions?


bufferPercent(dynamic onBufferPercent(String)) → dynamic
Video buffered ( downloaded ) percent
currentTime(dynamic onCurrentTime(String)) → dynamic
To get video's current playing time in seconds
dispose() → dynamic
This method is available on all Video.js players and components. It is the only supported method of removing a Video.js player from both the DOM and memory.
durationTime(dynamic onDurationTime(String)) → dynamic
Video whole time in seconds
exitFullScreen() → dynamic
To exit from full screen mode
getPoster(dynamic onPosterGet(String)) → dynamic
Get Video poster/thumbnail
getVolume(dynamic onVolumeRecive(String)) → dynamic
To get volume of video
isFullScreen(dynamic onFullScreenStatus(String)) → dynamic
this function is for check video player full screen status
isMute(dynamic onMuteStatus(String)) → dynamic
this function is for check video player mute status
isPaused(dynamic onPauseStatus(String)) → dynamic
To check video player pause status
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onPlayerReady(dynamic onReady(String)) → dynamic
Get Video poster/thumbnail
pause() → dynamic
pause video
play() → dynamic
play video
remainTime(dynamic onRemainTime(String)) → dynamic
Video remain time in seconds
requestFullScreen() → dynamic
To change player to full screen mode
setCurrentTime(String CurrentTime) → dynamic
Set video
setPoster(String poster) → dynamic
Set Video poster/thumbnail
setSRC(String src, {required String type}) → dynamic
to set video source by type type can be video/mp4, video/webm, application/x-mpegURL (for hls videos), ...
setVolume(String volume) → dynamic
set volume to video player
toggleFullScreen() → dynamic
toggle full screen in video player. this function is different with requestFullScreen, this function just change type
toggleMute() → dynamic
toggle mute in video player. if player is mute, makes unmute and if is unmute makes mute
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
videoJs(dynamic onReady(String), {VideoJsOptions? videoJsOptions}) → dynamic
This function is for initial a video.js instance with options


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.