The Video Editor Pro package is designed to empower developers to manipulate videos effortlessly in Dart and Flutter applications. With this package, you can play videos, trim them, select covers, add specific audio tracks, download videos in MP4 format, and even extract audio from videos and can download audio also.


1 Play videos from local or remote sources. 2 Trim videos to specific durations. 3 Select cover images for videos. 4 Add custom audio tracks to videos. 5 Download videos in MP4 format. 6 Extract audio from videos and download them separately. 7 Can download extracted Audio.

Getting started

To use the Video Editor Pro package, you need to have Dart or Flutter installed. You can find detailed installation instructions on the Dart website or the Flutter website.

Once you have Dart or Flutter set up, you can add the Video Editor Pro package to your project by including it in your pubspec.yaml file:

dependencies: video_editor_pro:

Then, import the package in your Dart code: import 'package:video_editor_pro/video_editor_pro.dart';

Additional information

API Documentation: The detailed API documentation for the Video Editor Pro package can be found here.

Sample Applications: Check out our sample applications in the /example folder to see real-world implementations of the Video Editor Pro package. Platform Compatibility: The Video Editor Pro package is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, making it versatile for cross-platform development. Dependencies: The package might have dependencies on other packages. Refer to the pubspec.yaml file for a complete list of dependencies. Community Support: Join our community forums or Discord channel to connect with other developers using the Video Editor Pro package and get support or share your experiences. License: This package is released under the MIT License, which means you're free to use it in commercial and non-commercial projects. Versioning: We follow Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for versioning releases. You can find detailed versioning information in the file. Feature Requests: Have an idea for a new feature or enhancement? We're open to suggestions! Submit your feature requests on the issue tracker as well. Feedback: Your feedback helps us improve the package. Feel free to reach out with any feedback, suggestions, or testimonials.

Time to time i will update this package for seamless and effective usage.

We're excited to see how you use the Video Editor Pro package in your projects! Happy coding!