buildVideoView method

Widget buildVideoView(
  1. VideoEditorController controller,
  2. TransformData transform,
  3. CropBoundaries boundary, {
  4. bool showGrid = false,

Returns the VideoViewer tranformed with editing view Paint rect on top of the video area outside of the crop rect


Widget buildVideoView(
  VideoEditorController controller,
  TransformData transform,
  CropBoundaries boundary, {
  bool showGrid = false,
}) {
  return SizedBox.fromSize(
    size: layout,
    child: CropTransformWithAnimation(
      shouldAnimate: layout !=,
      transform: transform,
      child: VideoViewer(
        controller: controller,
        child: buildPaint(
          boundary: boundary,
          showGrid: showGrid,
          showCenterRects: controller.preferredCropAspectRatio == null,