openFullScreen method

Future<void> openFullScreen()

Opens the video in full screen.

For some reason, we need to re-initialize the video when the full screen dialog is dismissed. So we save the state obtained by showDialog and re-initialize controller to match.


Future<void> openFullScreen() async {
	controller.isFullScreen = true;
	final plugin.VideoPlayerValue video = await showDialog(
		context: context,
		builder: (_) => WillPopScope(
			onWillPop: closeFullScreen,
			child: Scaffold(body: Center(child: VideoPlayer(controller)))
	controller.isFullScreen = false;
	// BUG: We shouldn't have to re-initialize every time!
	await controller.initialize();
	await controller.seekTo(video.position);
	if (video.isPlaying) await;
	setState(() {});