Notifies the Bloc of a new event which triggers
all corresponding EventHandler instances.
If close has already been called, any subsequent calls to add will
be ignored and will not result in any subsequent state changes.
Closes the event and stateStreams.
This method should be called when a Bloc is no longer needed.
Once close is called, events that are added will not be
In addition, if close is called while events are still being
processed, the Bloc will finish processing the pending events.
Adds a subscription to the Stream<State>.
Returns a StreamSubscription which handles events from
the Stream<State> using the provided onData, onError and onDone
Called whenever a change occurs with the given change.
A change occurs when a new state is emitted.
onChange is called before the state of the cubit is updated.
onChange is a great spot to add logging/analytics for a specific cubit.
Called whenever a transition occurs with the given transition.
A transition occurs when a new event is added
and a new state is emitted from a corresponding EventHandler.
onTransition is called before a Bloc's state has been updated.
A great spot to add logging/analytics at the individual Bloc level.