Compress extension



cancelCompression() Future<void>
stop compressing the file that is currently being compressed. If there is no compression process, nothing will happen.
compressVideo(String path, {VideoQuality quality = VideoQuality.DefaultQuality, bool deleteOrigin = false, int? startTime, int? duration, bool? includeAudio, int frameRate = 30}) Future<MediaInfo?>
compress video from path compress video from path return Future<MediaInfo>
deleteAllCache() Future<bool?>
delete the cache folder, please do not put other things in the folder of this plugin, it will be cleared
dispose() → void
getByteThumbnail(String path, {int quality = 100, int position = -1}) Future<Uint8List?>
getByteThumbnail return Future<Uint8List>, quality can be controlled by quality from 1 to 100, select the position unit in the video by position is milliseconds
getFileThumbnail(String path, {int quality = 100, int position = -1}) Future<File>
getFileThumbnail return Future<File> quality can be controlled by quality from 1 to 100, select the position unit in the video by position is milliseconds
getMediaInfo(String path) Future<MediaInfo>
get media information from path
setLogLevel(int logLevel) Future<void>