DataClient class App

gRPC client used for retrieving, uploading, and modifying stored data from

All calls must be authenticated.

For more information, see Data Client API.

Constructors _dataClient, DataSyncServiceClient _dataSyncClient, DatasetServiceClient _datasetClient)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addBinaryDataToDatasetByIds(List<BinaryID> binaryIds, String datasetId) Future<void>
Adds binary data to a dataset based on IDs.
addBoundingBoxToImageById(String label, BinaryID binaryId, double xMinNormalized, double yMinNormalized, double xMaxNormalized, double yMaxNormalized) Future<String>
Add a bounding box to an image by ID, with x and y coordinates normalized from 0 to 1.
addTagsToBinaryDataByFilter(List<String> tags, Filter? filter) Future<void>
Adds tags to binary data based on a filter. If no filter is provided, all binary data will be tagged.
addTagsToBinaryDataByIds(List<String> tags, List<BinaryID> binaryIds) Future<void>
Adds tags to binary data based on IDs.
binaryDataByFilter({Filter? filter, int? limit, Order? sortOrder, String? last, bool countOnly = false, bool includeBinary = false}) Future<BinaryDataByFilterResponse>
Filter and download binary data. The data will be paginated into pages of limit items, and the last ID will be included in the returned response.
binaryDataByIds(List<BinaryID> binaryIds, {bool includeBinary = false}) Future<BinaryDataByIDsResponse>
Retrieve binary data by IDs
binaryDataCaptureUpload(List<int> binaryData, String partId, String fileExtension, {String? componentType, String? componentName, String? methodName, Map<String, Any>? methodParameters, (DateTime, DateTime)? dataRequestTimes, Iterable<String> tags = const []}) Future<String>
Upload binary sensor data to Viam's Data Manager
boundingBoxLabelsByFilter(Filter? filter) Future<List<String>>
Returns a list of bounding box labels based on a filter. If no filter is provided, all labels will be returned.
configureDatabaseUser(String organizationId, String password) Future<void>
Configures a database user for Viam's MongoDB Atlas Data Federation instance.
createDataset(String orgId, String name) Future<String>
Creates a new dataset, returning the new dataset's ID.
deleteBinaryDataByFilter(Filter? filter, {bool includeInternalData = false}) Future<int>
Delete binary data based on an optionally provided filter. If a filter is not provided, all data will be deleted.
deleteBinaryDataByIds(List<BinaryID> binaryIds) Future<int>
Delete binary data based on data ID.
deleteDataset(String id) Future<void>
Deletes a dataset.
deleteTabularData(String organizationId, int olderThanDays) Future<int>
Delete tabular data older than a provided number of days from an organization.
exportTabularData(String partId, String resourceName, String resourceSubtype, String methodName, DateTime? startTime, DateTime? endTime) Future<List<TabularDataPoint>>
Obtain unified tabular data and metadata from the specified data source.
getDatabaseConnection(String organizationId) Future<DatabaseConnection>
Returns a database connection to access a MongoDB Atlas Data Federation instance.
getLatestTabularData(String partId, String resourceName, String resourceSubtype, String methodName) Future<({Map<String, dynamic> payload, DateTime timeCaptured, DateTime timeSynced})?>
Gets the most recent tabular data captured from the specified data source, as long as it was synced within the last year.
listDatasetsByIDs(List<String> ids) Future<List<Dataset>>
Looks up and returns a list of datasets by their IDs.
listDatasetsByOrganizationID(String orgId) Future<List<Dataset>>
Returns a list of datasets within a given organization.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeBinaryDataFromDatasetByIds(List<BinaryID> binaryIds, String datasetId) Future<void>
Removes binary data from a dataset based on IDs.
removeBoundingBoxFromImageById(String bboxId, BinaryID binaryId) Future<void>
Removes a bounding box from an image based on bbox ID and image ID.
removeTagsFromBinaryDataByFilter(List<String> tags, Filter? filter) Future<int>
Remove tags from binary data based on filter. If a filter is not provided, the tags will be removed from all data.
removeTagsFromBinaryDataByIds(List<String> tags, List<BinaryID> binaryIds) Future<int>
Remove tags from binary data based on IDs.
renameDataset(String id, String name) Future<void>
Renames a dataset by ID.
streamingDataCaptureUpload(List<int> bytes, String partId, String fileExtension, {String? componentType, String? componentName, String? methodName, Map<String, Any>? methodParameters, (DateTime, DateTime)? dataRequestTimes, Iterable<String> tags = const []}) Future<String>
Uploads the metadata and contents of streaming binary data
tabularDataByFilter({Filter? filter, int? limit, Order? sortOrder, String? last, dynamic countOnly = false}) Future<TabularDataByFilterResponse>
Filter and download tabular data. The data will be paginated into pages of limit items, and the last ID will be included in the returned response.
tabularDataByMql(String organizationId, dynamic query, {bool useRecentData = false}) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Obtain unified tabular data and metadata, queried with MQL. The query should be of type List<Map<String, dynamic>>.
tabularDataBySql(String organizationId, String query) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Obtain unified tabular data and metadata, queried with SQL.
tabularDataCaptureUpload(List<Map<String, dynamic>> tabularData, String partId, {String? componentType, String? componentName, String? methodName, Map<String, Any>? methodParameters, List<(DateTime, DateTime)>? dataRequestTimes, Iterable<String> tags = const []}) Future<String>
Upload tabular sensor data to Viam's Data Manager
tagsByFilter(Filter? filter) Future<List<String>>
Returns a list of tags based on a filter. If no filter is provided, all tags will be returned.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uploadFile(String path, String partId, {String? fileName, String? componentType, String? componentName, String? methodName, Map<String, Any>? methodParameters, Iterable<String> tags = const []}) Future<String>
Upload a file from its path to Viam's Data Manager
uploadImage(ViamImage image, String partId, {String? fileName, String? componentType, String? componentName, String? methodName, Map<String, Any>? methodParameters, Iterable<String> tags = const []}) Future<String>
Upload an image to Viam's Data Manager


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.