Pub Version GitHub


Local version and build tracker plugin. Provides the ability to keep track of previous installations and easily migrate data between upgrades.


Call this on the main function

var vt = VersionTracker();
await vt.track();

You can also set the max number for version and build history by giving a value to buildHistoryMaxLength and versionHistoryMaxLength in the track function.

var vt = VersionTracker();
await vt.track(buildHistoryMaxLength: 10, versionHistoryMaxLength: 10);

Then call these whenever you want (in these examples the user has launched a bunch of previous versions, and this is the first time he's launched the new version 1.0.11):

vt.isFirstLaunchEver;        // false
vt.isFirstLaunchForVersion;  // true
vt.isFirstLaunchForBuild;    // true

vt.currentVersion;           // 1.0.11
vt.previousVersion;          // 1.0.10
vt.firstInstalledVersion;    // 1.0.0
vt.versionHistory;           // [ 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.10, 1.0.11 ]

vt.currentBuild;             // 18
vt.previousBuild;            // 15
vt.firstInstalledBuild;      // 1
vt.buildHistory;             // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18 ]

