ValidatorUtils<S, T> extension

Utilities that can be called on a Validator

Scope for all instance methods



catching([Selector<Exception, ValidationError>? handler]) ValidatorT<S, T>
Creates a new validator from the caller that will catch an errors when evaluating the validating function.
errors<ErrorType>(S subject) List<ErrorType>
Runs the validator and returns a list of errors
firstError<ErrorType>(S subject) → ErrorType?
Runs the validator and returns the first error of the provided generic type
flatMap<O>(ValidatorT<T, O> process(T)) ValidatorT<S, O>
Recieves a function that generates a validator and plumbs the output of the current to validator to the function.
join<O>(ValidatorT<T, O> validator) ValidatorT<S, O>
Chains a validation to the output
map<O>(Function1<T, O> transform) ValidatorT<S, O>
Transforms the ouput of the validator by running the provided function. Leaving the validation logic untouched. returns validator with coerced output.
mapErrors<E>(Function1<dynamic, E?> transform) ValidatorT<S, T>
Transforms errors produced by the validor Leaving the validation logic untouched. returns validator with coerced output.
then<O>(ValidatorT<T, O> validator) ValidatorT<S, O>
Chains a validation to the output
validated(S subject) → T?
Returns the validated and transformed subject If validation of subject fails returns null
verify<ErrorType extends ValidationError>(S subject) Either<List<ErrorType>, T>
Runs the validator on the supplied subject.