english top-level property

Map<String, String> english
getter/setter pair


var english = {
  "loginText": "Login",
  "signinText": "Sign In",
  "otpverification": "Generate OTP",
  "getOtp": "Get OTP",
  "username": "Username",
  "password": "Password",
  "collectHistory": "Collect History",
  "search": "Search",
  "completed": "Completed",
  "pending": "Pending",
  "transactionId": "Transaction ID",
  "collectStock": "Collect Stock",
  "collectStockMsg": "Never let your outlets go out of stock!",
  "sellThru": "Sell Thru",
  "sellThruMsg": "Are you set to deliver Stock Items",
  "userCredit": "Used Credit",
  "proceed": "Proceed",
  "available_balance": "Available Balance",
  "submit": "Submit",
  "scanItems": "Scan Items",
  "productDetails": "Product Details",
  "ordered": "Ordered",
  "scanned": "Scanned",
  "addScannedItems": "Add Scanned Items",
  "startRange": "Start Range",
  "endRange": "End Range",
  "error": "Error",
  "endRangeEmpty": "End Range is empty",
  "startRangeEmpty": "Start Range is empty",
  "idPresent": "Id already added!",
  "assetDetails": "Asset Details",
  "billDetails": "Bill Details",
  "subTotal": "Grand Total",
  "taxDetails": "Tax Details",
  "paymentDetails": "Payment Details",
  "status": "Status",
  "payment": "Payment",
  "pay": "Pay",
  "cash": "Cash",
  "amount": "Amount",
  "successfully": "Successfully",
  "date": "Date",
  "sellThruDone": "Sell thru done",
  "bankTransfer": "Bank Transfer",
  "payByCash": "Pay By Cash",
  "payByBankTransfer": "Pay via Bank Transfer",
  "referenceNumber": "Reference Number",
  "branch": "Branch",
  "bankName": "Bank Name",
  "accountNum": "Acc Number",
  "pendingAmount": "Pending Amount",
  "totalAmount": "Net Amount",
  "discount": "Discount",
  "code": "Code",
  "proceedToPay": "Proceed To Pay",
  "clockIn": "Clock In",
  "clockOut": "Clock Out",
  "clockInAt": "Clock In at",
  "clockInContinue": "Clock In to continue",
  "navigateToSchedule": "Navigate to schedule",
  "clockOutAt": "Clock Out at",
  "settlement": "Settlement",
  "stock": "Stock",
  "success": "Success",
  "remaining": "Remaining",
  "totalUnsettled": "Total Unsettled",
  "todayCollection": "Today's collection",
  "clockInWarning": "Please Clock Out to proceed with Clock in",
  "photos": "Photos",
  "scheduledActivities": "Scheduled Activities",
  "stockDetails": "Stock Details",
  "available": "Available",
  "recommended": "Recommended",
  "deliverStock": "Deliver Stock",
  "units": "Units",
  "toDate": "To Date",
  "fromDate": "From Date",
  "dateFilter": "Date Filter",
  "promotionsForYou": "Promotions for you",
  "apply": "Apply",
  "remove": "Remove",
  "remainingAmount": "Remaining Amount",
  "stockOrder": "Stock Order",
  "category": "Category",
  "add": "Add",
  "viewCart": "View Cart",
  "item": "Item",
  "cart": "Cart",
  "cartDetails": "Cart Details",
  "addMoreItems": "Add More Items",
  "viewAllOffers": "View All Offers",
  "viewAllFreeItems": "View All Free Items",
  "freeItems": "Free Items",
  "discountAmount": "Commission",
  "uploadReceipt": "Upload Receipt",
  "receipt": "Receipt",
  "appxDeliveryDateTime": "Approximate delivery date",
  "orderHistory": "Order History",
  "orderId": "Order Id",
  "approved": "Approved",
  "approvalRejected": "Approval rejected",
  "approvalPending": "Approval pending",
  "inTransit": "In Transit",
  "stockOrderCompleted": "Stock Order Completed",
  "salesPersonName": "Sales Person Name",
  "partnerId": "Partner Id",
  "mobileNumber": "Mobile Number",
  "emailId": "Email Id",
  "visitDate": "Visit Date",
  "whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
  "callNow": "Call Now",
  "nextVisitDetails": "Next Visit Details",
  "salesPersonDetailsView": "Sales Person Details View",
  "surveys": "Surveys",
  "onboarding": "Onboarding",
  "visits": "Visits",
  "settlements": "Settlements",
  "settledToday": "Settled Today",
  "activities": "ACTIVITIES",
  "collection": "Collection",
  "news": "News",
  "schedule": "Schedule",
  "checkStock": "Check Stock",
  "grn": "GRN",
  "salesPerson": "Sales person",
  "nextVisit": "Next visit",
  "kpi": "KPI Dashboard",
  "noOutletsAvailable": "No Dealers available",
  "outlets": "Dealers",
  "onboardOutlet": "New Dealer",
  "khmerNationalId": "Khmer National ID",
  "frontId": "Front ID",
  "backId": "Back ID",
  "outletDetails": "Dealer Details",
  "outletName": "Shop Name In English",
  "outletNameInKhmr": "Shop Name In Khmer",
  "ownerName": "Owner Name",
  "email": "Email",
  "phoneNumber": "Phone Number",
  "altNumber": "Alternate Number",
  "withHoldAgentSetting": "Withholding Agent Setting",
  "vatable": "VAT Registered ?",
  "withHoldPercentageValue": "Withholding Percentage Value",
  "vatClass": "Vat classification",
  "dealerGrade": "Dealer Grade",
  "address": "Address",
  "region": "Region",
  "province": "Province",
  "district": "District",
  "commune": "Commune",
  "remarksOptional": "Remarks (Optional)",
  "remarks": "Remarks",
  "dealerType": "Dealer Type",
  "select": "Select",
  "images": "Images",
  "frontShop": "Front Shop",
  "insideShop": "Inside Shop",
  "contract": "Contract",
  "confirmationAndWarrenty": "Confirmation And warranty",
  "thumbprintIdCard": "Thumbprint ID card",
  "update": "Update",
  "create": "Create",
  "fronstSide": "Front Side",
  "backSide": "Back Side",
  "skipOutlet": "Skip Outlet",
  "checkIn": "Check-In",
  "checkOut": "Check-Out",
  "product": "Product",
  "quantity": "Quantity",
  "documents": "Documents",
  "survey": "Survey",
  "orderStock": "Stock Order",
  "sellthru": "Sellthru",
  "forceCheckIn": "Force Check-In",
  "clockedOut": "Clock-Out",
  "viewAll": "View All",
  "phoneNo": "Phone Number",
  "altNo": "Alternative Number",
  "vatCertificate": "VAT Certificate",
  "mocCertificate": "MOC certificate",
  "taxExempCertificate": "Tax Exemption certificate from GDP",
  "editAddress": "Edit Address",
  "addAddress": "Add Address",
  "addManually": "Add Manually",
  "geoLocation": "Geo Location",
  "pincode": "Pincode",
  "addressInKhmr": "Address In Khmer",
  "addImage": "Add Image",
  "outletOnboarded": "Outlet Onboarded",
  "schedules": "Schedules",
  "Today": "Today",
  "Tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
  "Weekly": "Weekly",
  "Monthly": "Monthly",
  "filter": "Filter",
  "skipOutletDescription": "Please specify the reason for skipping the outlet.",
  "currentTime": "Current Time",
  "selectReason": "Select Reason",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "confirm": "Confirm",
  "reason": "Reason",
  "outletSkipped": "Outlet has been skipped",
  "locNotMatched": "Location Not Matched",
  "forceCheckDescFirst": "You have Force Checked In ",
  "forceCheckDescSecond": " in the previous month",
  "retakeSelfie": "Retake Selfie",
  "continue": "Continue",
  "takeSelfie": "Take Selfie",
  "checkInTime": "Check-In Time",
  "takeSurvey": "Take Survey",
  "surveyDescription": "Your survey will help us to improve in all aspects",
  "allSurveys": "All Surveys",
  "allQuestions": "All Questions",
  "next": "Next",
  "previous": "Previous",
  "required": "Required",
  "enterAnyValue": "Enter value here",
  "selectAnyValue": "Select any value",
  "surveyClosingTitle": "Are you sure you want to cancel the survey?",
  "surveyClosingDesc": "The progress will not be saved.",
  "surveySubmitted": "Survey submitted",
  "surveyHistory": "Survey History",
  "checkedOut": "Checked out",
  "checkedOutAt": "Checked out at ",
  "productsToBeSettled": " Products to be settled",
  "viewAlloffers": "View all offers",
  "taxIncluded": "VAT Included",
  "paidAmount": "Paid Amount",
  "taxAmount": "Tax Amount",
  "ctw": "CTW",
  "approvalStatus": "Approval Status",
  "rejected": "Rejected",
  "clockInSuccess": "Clock-in successful!",
  "clockOutSuccess": "Clock-out successful!",
  "reasonDescription": "Reason Description",
  "clockedInAt": "Clock-in at ",
  "clockedOutAt": "Clock-out at ",
  "unit": "unit",
  "orderSubmitted": "Order submitted",
  "noDataFound": "No data found",
  "spotSellThru": "Spot Sellthru",
  "products": "Products",
  "addAssetManually": "Add Asset Manually",
  "serialNo": "Serial number",
  "failedToAddAsset": "Failed to add asset.",
  "serialNumberCantBeEmpty": "Serial number cannot be empty",
  "plsEnterStartAndEndRange": "Please enter start and end range",
  "endRangeMustBeGreater": "End range must be greater than start range",
  "orderDetails": "Order Details",
  "paid": "Paid",
  "paymentMode": "Payment Mode",
  "sureWantToSubmitSellthru": "You are sure want to submit Sellthru",
  "noPaymentModeFound": "No payment modes found",
  "collectStockActivitySubmit": "The Collect Stock activity has been submitted",
  "rejectReason": "Reject Reason",
      "Are you sure you want to reject the Distributor collection",
      "Confirm cancellation? This action will remove all scanned items and cancel the transaction",
  "collectStockActivity": "The Collect Stock activity",
  "stockDelivery": "Stock Delivery",
      "The Stock Delivery activity has been submitted",
  "spotSellThruActivitySubmit": "The Spot Sellthru activity has been submitted",
  "grnActivitySubmit": "GRN acceptance request submitted",
      "You will be notified to collect the remaining Stocks later, if any",
  "collectedMsg": "You have collected",
  "items": "items",
  "distributerScannedMsg": "Distributors have scanned collection items.",
  "warningAllItemScanned": "Are you sure all items have been scanned correctly",
  "emptyReason": "Reason is empty",
  "type": "Type",
  "grade": "Grade",
  "clear": "Clear",
  "applyFilter": "Apply Filter",
  "fieldForce": "Sales Force",
  "pendingStockOrder": "Pending Stock Order",
  "outletLocationMatched": "Outlet location matched",
  "addAttachment": "Add Attachment",
  "userId": "User Id",
  "updateAvailable": "Update Available",
  "newUpdateMsg": "New app update is available, please update",
  "updateErrorMsg": "Update is mandatory, please the update the app first",
  "updateRequired": "Update Required",
  "creditBalance": "Credit Balance",
  "balance": "Balance",
  "language": "Language",
  "logout": "Logout",
  "askLogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
  "orderItems": "Order Items",
  "allOrders": "All Orders",
  "priceDetails": "Price Details",
  "payableAmount": "Payable amount",
  "orderStatus": "Order Status",
  "orderDateTime": "Order Date and time",
  "order": "Order",
  "askDeleteAsset": "Are you sure you want to delete the asset?",
  "deleteAsset": "Delete the asset",
  "delete": "Delete",
  "acceptScanned": "Scanned products will be accepted",
  "rejectScanned": "Scanned products will be rejected",
  "rejectAll": "Reject All",
  "acceptAll": "Accept All",
  "acceptScannedItems": "Accept Scanned Items",
  "rejectScannedItems": "Reject Scanned Items",
  "askAcceptScannedItems": "Are you sure you want to accept selected items?",
  "askAcceptAllItems": "Are you sure you want to accept all items?",
  "askRejectScannedItems": "Are you sure you want to reject selected items?",
  "askRejectAllItems": "Are you sure you want to reject all items?",
  "campaigns": "Campaigns",
  "notifications": "Notifications",
  "campaignsAndNotifications": "Campaigns & Notifications",
  "read": "Read",
  "myDealers": "My Dealers",
  "noActivityDealers": "No Activity Dealers",
  "contracts": "Contracts",
  "attendance": "Attendance",
  "totalTime": "Total Time",
  "routePlan": "Route Plan",
  "todaySettlement": "Today's Settlement",
  "myDealer": "Dealer",
  "newDealer": "New Dealer",
  "tid": "TID",
  "reject": "Reject",
  "accept": "Accept",
  "noProductsAvailable": "No Stock Available",
  "applyLeave": "Apply Leave",
  "enterDescription": "Enter Description",
  "uploadDocument": "Upload Document",
  "leaveApplied": "Leave Applied",
  "leaveApprovalMsg": "Please wait for the approval from admin",
  "duration": "Duration",
  "weekend": "Weekend",
  "clockInLocation": "Clock In Location",
  "clockOutLocation": "Clock Out Location",
  "takeNewSurvey": "Take New Survey",
  "previousSurveys": "Previous Surveys",
  "newSurvey": "New Survey",
  "selectProductUnderSerial": "Select the product under serial no.",
  "stockScan": "Stock Scan",
  "pendingOrders": "Pending Orders",
  "viewOrder": "View Order",
  "sales": "Sales Report",
  "target": "Target",
  "actual": "Actual",
  "selectYearMonth": "Select year and month",
  "dealerId": "Dealer Id",
  "dealerName": "Dealer Name",
  "dealerCategory": "Dealer Category",
  "houseNo": "House No",
  "houseNoInKhmr": "House No in Khmer",
  "streetNo": "Street No",
  "streetNoInKhmr": "Street No in Khmer",
  "addProductToComplete": "Add product to complete to further process",
  "serialCode": "Serial Code",
  "cameraPermissionNotGranted": "The user did not grant the camera permission!",
  "barcodeLengthLess20": "Barcode length is greater than 20",
  "barcodeLengthGreater20": "Barcode length is greater than 20",
  "serialExists": "Serial number exists",
  "scanCancelled": "Scanning Cancelled by user",
  "fromRange": "From Range",
  "toRange": "To Range",
  "serialFromExists": "From serial number exists",
  "serialToExists": "To serial number exists",
  "assets": "Assets",
  "asset": "Asset",
  "clearAll": "Clear all",
  "scanAssets": "Scan Assets",
  "count": "count",
  "chooseProduct": "Choose Product",
  "addProduct": "Add Product",
  "searchProduct": "Search Product",
  "pleaseWait": "Please wait!!",
  "selectAssetStatus": "Select Asset Status",
  "yesProceed": "Yes, proceed",
  "loading": "Loading...",
  "ok": "Ok",
  "assetCount": "Asset Count",
  "start": "Start",
  "end": "End",
  "selectStatus": "Select Status",
  "number": "Number",
  "streetNoKhmer": "Street No in Khmer",
  "scannedAssets": "Scanned Assets",
  "serialNumber": "Serial No",
  "purchaseDate": "Purchase date",
  "id": "ID",
  "totalPrice": "Total Price",
  "clockOutAlert": "Are you sure want to Clock Out?",
      "Are you sure you want to cancel the onboarding process?",
  "onboardingClosingDesc": "The progress will not be saved",
  "shopDetails": "Shop Details",
  "dealerProfile": "Dealer Profile",
  "khmrNationalId": "Cambodia National ID",
  "iLoadNumber": "iLoad Number",
  "contactNumber": "Contact Number",
  "shopFront": "Shop Front",
  "shopInside": "Shop Inside",
  "editDealer": "Edit Dealer",
  "chooseCommune": "Choose Commune",
  "name": "Name",
  "upload": "Upload",
  "requestOrder": "Request Order",
  "chooseLanguage": "Choose Language",
  "scannedAssetNotAvailable": "Scanned asset is not available",
  "unavailable": "Unavailable!",
  "grandTotal": "Grand Total​ (USD)",
  "commission": "Commission",
  "wht": "WHT",
  "netAmountUSD": "Net Amount (USD)",
  "netAmountKHR": "Net Amount ​(KHR)",
  "updateLanguage": "Update Language",
  "creditLimit": "Credit Limit",
  "navigatingBackMsg": "Navigating back will",
  "scannedRemoveMsg": "Remove all scanned items",
  "askDeleteProduct": "Are you sure you want to delete the product?",
  "deleteProduct": "Delete the product",
  "netAmount": "Net Amount",
  "takePhoto": "Take Photo",
  "photoAlbum": "Photo Album",
  "noPendingSchedule": "No pending route plan!",
  "stockActivitySubmit": "Stock Updated",
  "failed": "Failed",
  "checkFailedList": "Please check failed list",
  "failedAssets": "Some assets are failed, Please check failed list",
  "visitHistory": "Visit History",
  "trackVisit": "Track Visit",
  "warehouse": "Warehouse",
  "addDocuments": "Add Documents",
  "checkstock": "Check Stock",
  "retake": "Retake",
  "sellThruHistory": "SellThru History",
  "page1": "Page 1",
  "page2": "Page 2",
  "page3": "Page 3",
  "netCommission": "Net Commission",
  "myStock": "My Stock",
  "tryAgain": "Try Again",
  "gpsError": "GPS Error",
  "gpsErrorContent": "Failed to Retrieve Location",
  "expiryDate": "Expiry Date",
      "Scanned asset does not match any product currently available in the cart",
  "assetNotMatchTitle": "Asset not match",
  "salesReport": "SalesReport",
  "removeAll": "Remove All",
  "updateClosingTitle": "Are you sure you want to cancel the update process?",
  "beenSubmitted": "has been submitted",
  "warning": "Warning",
      "Your request has been received and is being processed. Please check the request order history for invoice details",
  "checkoutMsg1": "You need to wait at least",
  "checkoutMsg2": "after check-in before checking out",
  "home": "Home",
  "settings": "Settings",
  "more": "More",
  "subOrderId": "Sub Order",
  "delivered": "Delivered",
      "We're currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later",
  "grnRejectActivitySubmit": "GRN rejection request submitted",
  "grnActivitySubmitSubText": "successfully",
  "grnRejectActivitySubmitSubText": "successfully",
  "salesPersonDetails": "Sales person details",
  "orderInitiated": "Order Initiated",
  "inprogress": "In Progress",
  "acknowledge": "Acknowledge",
  "orderDelivered": "Order Delivered",
  "grnTitle": "Goods Received Note",
  "partialDelivered": "Partial delivered",
      "Your request has been received and is being processed. Once it is completed, it will be updated in the completed section",
  "networkErrorMsg": "No network connection, Please try again",
  "done": "Done",
  "collectStockProgress": "Collect Stock request is in progress",
  "Single": "Single",
  "Range": "Range",
  "enterOrScanSerialNo": "Enter/scan serial number",
  "enterOrScanStartRange": "Enter/scan start range",
  "enterOrScanEndRange": "Enter/scan end range"