WidgetsExtension extension



aspectRatio(double aspectRatio) AspectRatio
Extension for aspectRatio with AspectRatio
backgroundColor(Color color) DecoratedBox
Extension for coloring a widget with DecoratedBox
clipHalf({Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) ClipPath
Extension for creating a half shape using VxHalfClipper
cornerRadius(double radius) ClipRRect
Extension for adding a corner radius a widget with ClipRRect
errorWidget(Object ex) Widget
Widget to show exception
expand({Key? key, int flex = 1}) Expanded
Extension for Expanded
hide({Key? key, bool isVisible = false, bool maintainSize = false}) Widget
Hides a widget
innerShadow({Key? key, double blur = 2.0, Color color = Colors.black38, Offset offset = const Offset(2, 2)}) Widget
keepAlive() Widget
Extension for keepAlive
material({Key? key, MaterialType type = MaterialType.canvas, Duration animationDuration = kThemeAnimationDuration, bool borderOnForeground = true, BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none, Color? color, double elevation = 0.0, Color? shadowColor, ShapeBorder? shape, TextStyle? textStyle}) Widget
Extension method for Material Widget
popupMenu(MenuBuilderCallback menuBuilder, {Key? key, VxPopupMenuController? controller, Color arrowColor = const Color(0xFF4C4C4C), double arrowSize = 10.0, Color barrierColor = Colors.black12, double horizontalMargin = 10.0, double verticalMargin = 10.0, bool showArrow = true, VxClickType clickType = VxClickType.singleClick}) Widget
Hides a widget
positioned({double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right, double? height, double? width, bool isFilled = false}) Widget
Extension for Stack Positioned
preferredSize(Size size) PreferredSize
Maybe often use this when you want to make your own AppBar or NavigationBar with your custom UI
sliverBoxAdapter() SliverToBoxAdapter
Extension for SliverToBox
stroke(double width, Color color, {bool isCircle = false}) DecoratedBox
Extension for giving a stroke with DecoratedBox
tooltip(String message, {Key? key, Decoration? decoration, double? height, bool? preferBelow, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, TextStyle? textStyle, Duration? waitDuration, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin}) Widget
Tooltip as accessibility